falleepucko, sjuka lilla jävla pojke HAHA

Skrivet 2009-05-22 Klockan 23:28:21

We don't look alike and we don't sound alike, but we think alike on all the important things, 
and that's what counts. You know my dark side and i know yours, no judgements. 
You're better than a sister, no sibling rivalry. And i'm not embarassed to cry in front of you. 
The good, the bad and the ugly - we've been through them all and were still best friends!

Postat av: Falleep

Skrivet 2009-05-22 Klockan 23:39:29
from the first time I met you I knew you were something special, and it was righ, I regret not one seconds that I got to know you, you are the best I know,i wish you will never leave me, never !

love u <3

URL: http://falleepucko.blogg.se/

Postat av: Jullee

Skrivet 2009-05-22 Klockan 23:47:30
klart ja int lämnar dig vännen, vi är juh bäst och sepeigast tsm<3

URL: http://www.lilljulaj.blogg.se.se

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